

Warehousing and Distribution Services

As you transport your goods, you also need cost-effective and time-sensitive solutions for storing, preparing and tracking items. This is why Globaldot Logistics has developed a full range of warehousing services.

Container Yard Management

GLOBALDOT LOGISTICS maintains state-of-the-art facilities at Los Angeles and San Diego, California. Top of the line container and chassis handling equipment support a yard design aimed at minimizing the total time our customers’ trucks spend in our facilities. We have streamlined our gate operations to provide efficient turn times and hassle free transactions for container carriers. Our gate consistently maintains turn times less then 30 minutes per transaction. Our trained inspectors check each piece of equipment for damages according to customer specifications. Any damages are entered into our computer system for real time EDI updates to the customer. Dispatch clerks have full access to our system containing customer-specific information to help expedite transactions.

Advantages of Globaldot 

Cross Dock

Supply chain flexibility, Speed, Reliability and
Cost management

Reduce inventory

When you have a product with minor differences between multiple SKUs, store only the core unit and use Weber’s inventory and product postponement services to complete final product configuration in the warehouse.

Quickly adapt to retail customer needs

Whether it’s a new size, a new kit, a new label, or reworked packaging, Weber can boost your reputation with retail customers with fast, accurate response to custom requests.

Integration with your systems

Identify hot containers, pull them from the port, and provide drayage services for rework

Advantages of Globaldot 

Value Added

Value-Added Warehousing Services in California and
on the West Coast

Location flexibility

Choose from one of our many cross dock warehouses in the west region.

Transload services

We can receive your products via one mode (containers, rail cars, trailers) and immediately transfer them to a new mode.

Convenient locations

Facilities are near the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and San Diego, CA

Advantages of Globaldot 


Contract Warehousing in California and
on the West Coast

Reduce logistics costs

Typically, our engineers and operators can identify immediate cost saving opportunities through warehouse process improvement and automation.

Divest assets

Leverage Weber buildings, systems and staff to create a world-class, “virtual” logistics operation.

Create a flexible, scalable logistics infrastructure

Store your inventory in one of Globaldot’s secured warehouse distribution centers, or let us work with our real estate partners to identify the right facility for your needs.

Superior quality start-ups

Precise start up methodology minimizes the risk in logistics transitions.

Globaldot Warehousing Solutions

01.Facility at a Glance

  • Los Angeles (Paramount) CFS Warehouse
  • 24,000 Square Feet of Paramount Warehouse Space
  • Over 2,000 Square Feet Bonded Fenced High Security Area
  • 4 Loading/Unloading Doors
  • 1 Ground Loading Ramps
  • San Diego Branch Warehouse
  • 40,000 Square Feet of San Diego Warehouse Space
  • Over 1,000 Square Feet Bonded Fenced High Security Area
  • 10 Loading/Unloading Doors
  • 1 Ground Loading Ramps

02.Classifications / Functions

  • U.S. Customs Bonded Container Freight Station (LA CFS)
  • CBP Bonded Warehouse
  • Arrange Trucking
  • Arrange Intermodal Service
  • Storage
  • Crating & Packing
  • Transloads
  • Export Consolidation


  • Comprehensive EDI Capabilities
  • Digital pictures of incoming cargo
  • 24 hour a day Remote User Access System: Maintains a perpetual inventory of all cargo on a daily basis Obtain real-time status information related to your cargo


  • Surveillance Cameras throughout facility
  • 24 hour a day security guards
  • Motion Detectors
  • Door Contacts
  • Burglar Bars
  • Fully Fenced

05.Distance to Major Transportation Points

  • 8 miles Rail Yard
  • 9 miles LAX Airport
  • 5 milesU.S. Customs
  • 6 milesPort of Long Beach
  • 6 milesPort of Los Angeles